03-09-25 "Teamwork" - Ephesians 4:7-16
02-23-25 "The Dimensions of Christ's Love" - Ephesians 3:14-19
02-16-25 "A Growing Temple" - Ephesians 2:19-22
02-09-25 "One Church" - Ephesians 2:11-19
02-02-25 "But God" - Ephesians 2:1-10
01-26-25 "Praying for Fellow Believers" - Ephesians 1:15-21
01-19-25 "God's Goal for Us" - Ephesians 1:4
01-12-25 "We Are Rich" - Ephesians 1:1-14
01-05-25 "The Church at Ephesus" - Revelation 2:1-7
12-29-24 "Yet I Will Rejoice in the Lord" - Habakkuk 3:18
12-22-24 "Christmas Memories" - Luke 2:1-11
12-15-24 "Where Did Baby Jesus Come from?" - Matthew 1:18-25
12-08-24 "The Lord's Beauty in Us" - Psalm 90:17
11-24-24 "Thanks Should Lead to Giving" - Leviticus 7:11-14; II Chronicles 29:31
11-17-24 "Don't Be a Sunday Driver" - Matthew 28:16-20
11-10-24 "When We Feel Forsaken" - Matthew 27:45-46
11-03-24 "What Do You Think?" - Matthew 26:57-68
10-27-24 "Jesus Was Bound So We Could Be Set Free" - Matthew 26:47-56;27:1-2
10-20-24 "How Much Do We Value Jesus?" - Matthew 26:6-16;27:3-10
10-13-24 "A Message from a President" - Matthew 25:31-46
10-06-24 "Faithful Servants" - Matthew 25:14-30
09-08-24 "Don't Be a Pharisee" - Matthew 23
09-01-24 "The Chosen" - Matthew 22:1-14
08-25-24 "The Bad (Disobedient) Son" - Matthew 21:28-32
08-18-24 "The Desire to Be Great" - Matthew 20:20-28
08-11-24 "Jesus on Marriage, Gender, and Being Single" - Matthew 19:1-15
08-04-24 "Forgiving Others" - Matthew 18:21-35
07-28-24 "The Importance of One" - Matthew 18:1-14
07-21-24 "Needed: Prayer and Fasting" - Matthew 17:14-21
07-14-24 "She Would Not Be Denied" - Matthew 15:21-28
07-07-24 "Walking on Water" - Matthew 14:22-33
06-30-24 "Offended!" - Matthew 13:53 - 14:12
06-23-24 "Growing to Be Useful" - Matthew 13:31-33
06-16-24 "A Good Man" - Matthew 12:33-37
06-09-24 "Division Lessons" - Matthew 12:22-30
06-02-24 "Rest for the Burdened" - Matthew 11:28-30
05-26-24 "Woe!" - Matthew 11:20-24
05-19-24 "As Sheep Among Wolves" - Matthew 10:16-22
05-12-24 "Jesus' Compassion" - Matthew 9:20-22, 35-36
05-05-24 "Marching to the Heartbeat of God" - Matthew 9:9-17
04-28-24 "Jesus' Authority" - Matthew 8
04-21-24 "Doing God's Will" - Matthew 7:21-27
04-14-24 "The Two Roads" - Matthew 7:13-14
04-07-24 "Judge Not?" - Matthew 7:1-5
03-31-24 "A Groundbreaking Event" - Matthew 28:1-8
03-24-24 "What Does the Cross Mean to You?" - Matthew 16:21-25
03-17-24 "Don't Worry" - Matthew 6:25-34
03-10-24 "Our Reward" - Matthew 6:1-18
03-03-24 "Jesus and the Written Word" - Matthew 5:17-19
02-25-24 "Your Influence" - Matthew 5:13-16
02-18-24 "Happiness and Jesus" - Matthew 5:1-10
02-11-24 "Jesus and Healing" - Matthew 4:23-25
02-04-24 "Following Jesus" - Matthew 4:18-22
01-28-24 "What Did Jesus Preach?" - Matthew 4:12-17
01-21-24 "Jesus and Temptation" - Matthew 4:1-11
01-07-24 "Not Necessary but Fitting" - Matthew 3:13-17
12-31-23 "A Time to Clean House" - Matthew 3:11-12
12-24-23 "A Notable Name" - Matthew 1:21-25
12-17-23 "A Notable Faith" - Matthew 1:18-25
12-10-23 "A Notable Conception" - Matthew 1:18-20
12-03-23 "A Notable Family Tree" - Matthew 1:1-16
11-26-23 "Being a Good Receiver" - Matthew 11:15
11-19-23 "The Fount of Every Blessing" - Psalm 36:9; James 1:17
11-12-23 "For Christian Workers" - I & II Timothy
11-05-23 "Who Am I or Here Am I?" - Exodus 14:1-12
10-29-23 "The Serenity Prayer" - John 14:27
10-22-23 "Christ in Us" - Colossians 1:27
10-15-23 "God's Chosen People" - Genesis 12:1-3
10-08-23 "Whose Slave Are You?" - Romans 6:16-22
10-01-23 "Revelation: Final Destinations" - Revelation 20-22
09-24-23 "Revelation: Evil in the Last Days" - Revelation 12-13, 17
09-17-23 "Revelation: Great Tribulation" - Revelation 6, 8-9, 16
09-10-23 "Revelation: The Second Coming" - Revelation 1:7; 19:11-16
09-03-23 "God and Work" - Proverbs 6:6-11
08-27-23 "I Love You Because" - I John 4:7-11, 19
08-13-23 "Trying to Be Good?" - Matthew 19:16-22
08-06-23 "Lessons from the Furnace" - Daniel 3
07-30-23 "God's Handbell Choir" - Ephesians 4:11-16
07-23-23 "Being Honest with Ouselves" - Psalm 15:1-2
07-16-23 "A Prayer for Spiritual Growth" - Ephesians 3:14-21
07-09-23 "His Workmanship" - Ephesians 2:4-10
07-02-23 "A Nation Imploding"
06-25-23 "God's Promise of Guidance" - Proverbs 3:5-6
06-18-23 "Father Issues" - John 8
06-11-23 "The Church Needs to Repent" - Revelation 2 & 3
06-04-23 "Exchanging Our Desires" - I Timothy 6:9-12
05-28-23 "Who Is the Holy Spirit?" - Acts 2:1-4
05-21-23 "Home Where I Belong" - Hebrews 11:13-16
05-14-23 "A Golden Psalm" - Psalm 16
05-07-23 "The Unselfish Mind" - Philippians 2:3-11
04-30-23 "Strength for the Battle" - II Samuel 22
04-23-23 "Help in Time of Temptation" - I Corinthians 10:1-13
04-16-23 "God and Plan B" - I Samuel 12:13-25
04-09-23 "The Victor" - Matthew 28:1-8
04-02-23 "The Savior" - Matthew 27:26-50
03-26-23 "The Sidestepper" - Matthew 27:11-26
03-19-23 "The Denier" - Matthew 26:69-75
03-12-23 "The Betrayer" - Matthew 26:14-16
03-05-23 "Hungering" - Matthew 5:6
02-26-23 "The Slough of Despond" - Psalm 69:1-20
02-12-23 "Celebrating God's Love" - I John 4:7-8
02-05-23 "The Cross Is Still the Answer" - I Corinthians 1:18-24
01-29-23 "Belief & Reality" - II Timothy 2:11-13
01-22-23 "A Sheep's Point of View" - Psalm 23
01-15-23 "The Test" - Genesis 22:1-18
01-08-23 "Having a Better Perspective" - I Corinthians 13:13
01-01-23 "Draw Close to God" (Wesley Covenant Service) - James 4:7-10
12-25-22 "It's a Wonderful Life" (The Life of Christ) - Philippians 2:5-11
12-18-22 "It's a Wonderful Life" (The Christian Life) - Philippians
12-11-22 "It's a Wonderful Life" (The Value of Friends) - Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
12-04-22 Message by Tommy Crisp - Matthew 3:1-12
11-27-22 "It's a Wonderful Life" (The Value of Life) - Genesis 1:26
11-20-22 "Thanksgiving in the Storm" - (Daniel 6:10)
11-13-22 "God Is Faithful" - II Corinthians 1:15-24
11-06-22 "Praying for the Persecuted" - (II Corinthians 1:8-11)
10-30-22 "A Purpose-Driven Life" - Luke 4:42-44
10-23-22 "God in the Desert" - Isaiah 43:19-21
10-16-22 "Highway to Heaven" - Isaiah 35:8-10
10-09-22 "Too Late?" - Matthew 24:15-21
10-02-22 "Share What You Know" - I John 1:1-4
09-25-22 "Jesus Can Meet Your Need" - Mark 1:21-34
09-11-22 "Sent into the Storm" - Matthew 14:22-33
09-04-22 "Believing He Is Able" - Matthew 9:23-31
08-28-22 "The Grace of Healing" - John 5:1-15
08-21-22 "Jesus' First Miracle" - John 2:1-11
08-14-22 "Jesus Is Coming" - I Thess. 4:13 - 5:11
08-07-22 "God Is with You" - Isaiah 43:1-3
07-31-22 "Back to Holiness" - I Peter 1:13-16
07-24-22 "Precious in His Sight" - Psalm 147:11; 149:4
07-17-22 "The Clock Is Ticking" - Psalm 90:12
07-10-22 "The Cowardly" - Revelation 21:6-8
07-03-22 "A Call to Return" - II Chronicles 30:1-12
06-26-22 "Life-or-Death Decisions" - Deuteronomy 30:15-20
06-19-22 "Wisdom Needed" - Proverbs 1:1-7
06-12-22 "Love & Favor" - Jude 21
06-05-22 "What God Says Matters" - I Chronicles 15:13
05-29-22 "A Memorial" - I Corinthians 11:23-25
05-22-22 "What the Ascension Means for Us" - Acts 1:9-11
05-15-22 "Taking a Stand" - I Kings 18:21
05-08-22 "A Woman of Good Understanding" - I Samuel 25
05-01-22 "Someone to Count On" - Psalm 89:1-2
04-24-22 "Self-Surrender" - Romans 12:1
04-17-22 "Newness of Life" - Romans 6:1-11
04-10-22 "Christ Died for the Ungodly" - Romans 5:6-11
04-03-22 "Under Wrath" - Romans 1:18
03-27-22 "None Are Good" - Romans 3:10-12
03-13-22 "Request for a King" - I Samuel 8:1-10, 19-22
03-06-22 "Hearing the Word of the Lord" - I Samuel 3:1-10
02-27-22 Message by Tommy Crisp - Luke 9:28-36
02-20-22 "Positive Aspects of the End Times" - Matthew 24
02-13-22 "Love Is Patient" - I Corinthians 13:4
02-06-22 "Keep Yourselves from Idols" - I John 5:21
01-30-22 Message by Tommy Crisp - John 1:43-51
01-23-22 "More than Enough" - Matthew 14:13-21
01-09-22 "The Second Part of the First Commandment" - Matthew 22:37-40
01-02-22 "Put the First Commandment First" - Matthew 22:34-38
12-26-21 "The King Has Come" - Matthew 2:1-2
12-19-21 "A Savior Was Born" - Luke 2:11
12-12-21 "The Light Shone in the Darkness" - John 1:4-9
12-05-21 "The Word Became Flesh" - John 1:14
11-28-21 "Return and He Will Return" - Zechariah 1:3
11-21-21 "A Better Kind of Thanks" - Psalm 105, 103, 106
11-14-21 "The Wrong Kind of Thanks" - Luke 18:9-14
11-07-21 "Praying for Boldness" - Acts 4:23-31
10-31-21 "Overcoming Fear" - Mark 5:36
10-24-21 "Blessings of Being Saved" - Romans 5:1-5
10-17-21 "Speak My Word Faithfully" - Jeremiah 23:28-29
10-10-21 "Written Off, But Not by God" - Judges 11
10-03-21 "This Is God's Will for You" - I Thessalonians 5:16-18
09-26-21 "Planting Flowers in Upside Down Trees" - Genesis 39:1-4, 20-23
09-19-21 "Comfortable in Our Sin" - II Timothy 4:1-4
09-12-21 "Our Helper and Keeper" - Psalm 121
09-05-21 "The God of Judgment" - Jude
08-29-21 "A Thirsty Soul" - Tommy Crisp
08-22-21 "Marching into Hell for a Heavenly Cause" - Matthew 16:21-25
08-15-21 "The Peril of an Empty Heart" - Matthew 12:43-45
08-08-21 "The Wonderful Word of God" - Psalm 119
08-01-21 "Expressions of the Cross" - II Thessalonians 3:5
07-25-21 "Getting on the Lord's Side" - Joshua 5:13-15
07-18-21 "At the Brink of the Promised Land" - Joshua 1:1-9
07-04-21 "Under God?" - (Luke 7:7-8)
06-27-21 "Surviving Life's Trials" - II Corinthians 4:8-18
06-20-21 "A Father's Cry" - Tommy Crisp
06-13-21 "Elementary Princples" - Hebrews 5:12 - 6:3
06-06-21 "Not Just Babies" - Hebrews 5:12 - 6:3
05-30-21 "Stephen's Example" - Acts 7:51-60
05-23-21 "Pentecost and the Harvest" - Acts 2:1-4, 40-41
05-16-21 "Don't Deceive Yourself about...Wanderers" - James 5:19-20
05-09-21 "Don't Deceive Yourself about...Prayer" - James 5:13-18
05-02-21 "Don't Deceive Yourself about...the Second Coming" - James 5:7-12
04-25-21 "Don't Deceive Yourself about...Pride" - James 4:6-17
04-18-21 "Don't Deceive Yourself about...the World" - James 4:1-5
04-11-21 "Don't Deceive Yourself about...Your Words"
04-04-21 "Don't Deceive Yourself about...the Resurrection"
03-28-21 "Don't Deceive Yourself about...the Cross"
03-21-21 "Don't Deceive Yourself about...Your Faith" - James 2:14-26
03-14-21 "Don't Deceive Yourself about...Showing Partiality" - James 2:1-13
03-07-21 "Don't Deceive Yourself about...Being Religious" - James 1:26-27
02-28-21 "Don't Deceive Yourself about...Receiving God's Word" - James 1:21-25
02-21-21 "Don't Deceive Yourself about...Your Wrath" - James 1:19-20
02-14-21 "Don't Deceive Yourself about...Loving God" - James 1:12
02-07-21 "Don't Deceive Yourself about...God" - James 1:12-18
01-31-21 "Don't Deceive Yourself about...Wealth" - James 1:9-11; 5:1-6
01-24-21 "Don't Deceive Yourself about...Wisdom" - James 1:5-8; 3:13-18
01-17-21 "Don't Deceive Yourself about...Trials" - James 1:1-4
01-10-21 "No Troubled Hearts" - John 14-16
01-03-21 "A Competitive Spirit" - I Cor. 9:24-27; Eph. 6:10-13
12-27-20 "O Come Emmanuel" - Matthew 1:22-23
12-20-20 "Why Jesus Came" - Matthew 1:20-21
12-13-20 "THE Undercover Boss" - Philippians 2:5-11
12-06-20 "A Broken Spirit" - Psalm 51:17
11-29-20 "Watch Out for Your Brother"" - I Thessalonians 5:14
11-22-20 "Thank You for the Cross" - I Corinthians 1:18 - 2:2
11-15-20 "Be a Daniel or an Elijah?" - Daniel 1:8; I Kings 17:1
11-08-20 "For Our Good Always" - Deuteronomy 6:20-25
11-01-20 "Instead of Fear: A Sound Mind" - II Timothy 1:7
10-25-20 "Instead of Fear: Love" - II Timothy 1:7
10-18-20 Message by Rev. Wayne Wilson - Jude 3
10-11-20 "Instead of Fear: Power" - II Timothy 1:7
10-04-20 Message by Tommy Crisp - Genesis 2:15-25
09-27-20 "The Conclusion" - Ecclesiastes 12:13
09-20-20 "Strays" - James 5:19-20
09-13-20 "An Awakening" - Romans 13:11-14
09-06-20 "Struggling Between Dejection & Faith" - Psalm 42
08-30-20 "A Form of Godliness" - II Timothy 3:1-5
08-23-20 "Providence & Purpose" - Esther 4:13-14
08-16-20 "A Pure Heart?" - Matthew 5:8
08-09-20 "No Accommodation" - II Chronicles 8:11
08-02-20 "Hold Forth the Word of Life" - Philippians 2:14-16
07-26-20 "Hold Fast the Word of Life" - Philippians 2:14-16
07-19-20 "Darkness Doesn't Overcome the Light" - John 1:4-5
07-12-20 "Run the Course Set Before You" - Hebrews 12:1
07-05-20 "The Decline & Fall of a Nation" - Jeremiah 1:13-19
06-28-20 "Are We Really Obeying God?" - I Samuel 15
06-21-20 "The Fatherless" - Psalm 68:5
06-14-20 "Knowing You're Saved" - I John 5:5-13
06-07-20 "Striving in Prayer" - Romans 15:30-32
05-31-20 "Pentecostal Fire" - Luke 3:15-17; Acts 2:1-4
05-24-20 "No Shortcuts" - Genesis 16:1-5
05-17-20 "The Way to Pray" - Matthew 6:9-13
05-10-20 "The Life We Don't Hold Dear" - Acts 20:22-24
05-03-20 "In This Together" - Ephesians 2
04-26-20 "Different" - Numbers 14:20-24
04-19-20 "Saved from a Twisted World" - Acts 2:36-41
04-12-20 "Resurrection Needed" - Luke 24:46-53
04-05-20 "No Distancing from the Cross" - I Corinthians 1:22-25
03-29-20 "The 23rd Psalm...Again?" - Psalm 23
03-22-20 "Suffering and Opportunity" - Luke 21:12-19
03-15-20 "A Song for Dark Days" - Psalm 57
03-08-20 "The Spirit of the Early Church" - Acts 2:40-47
03-01-20 "Sin Separates" - Isaiah 59:1-2
02-23-20 "Spiritual Geography" - (I Corinthians 10:1-11)
02-16-20 "With One Accord" - Acts 1:12-14
02-09-20 "A God-sized Love" - Matthew 24:9-14
02-02-20 Message by Tommy Crisp - John 5:1-9
01-26-20 "It's a Journey" - Acts 9:1-2; 19:9,23
01-19-20 "Like a River" (Part 2) - Ezekiel 47:1-12
01-12-20 "Like a River" - John 7:37-39
01-05-20 "Worse and Better" - II Timothy 3:10-17
12-29-19 "Resurrection Power for 2020" - Phil. 3:10; John 11:25
12-22-19 "The King Is Coming" (Part 4) - Luke 19:38
12-15-19 "The King Is Coming" (Part 3) - Matthew 2:1-3, 16
12-08-19 "The King Is Coming" (Part 2) - Matthew 24:45-51
12-01-19 "The King Is Coming" (Part 1) - Luke 3:1-14
11-24-19 "Hindrances to Having Grateful Hearts" - James 1:16-17
11-17-19 "Reminders for Temple-Builders" - Zechariah 4:6-9
11-10-19 "All Nations" - Jeremiah 25:15-26; Matthew 28:19
11-03-19 "Give Up" - Romans 12:1
10-27-19 Message by Rev. Wayne Wilson - "The Day of the Lord"
10-20-19 "You Can Make a Difference" - John 6:1-14
10-13-19 "Not Playing It Safe" - Hebrews 10:35-39
10-06-19 "Making Ourselves Available" - Isaiah 6:8
09-29-19 "Some Things Don't Change" - (Romans 6:23)
09-22-19 "Wanted: Dead and Alive" - Romans 6:11
09-15-19 "You Will Revive Me" - Psalm 138:6-8
09-08-19 "At the Cross" (Part 2) - Titus 2:11-14
09-01-19 "At the Cross" (Part 1) - Isaiah 53:1-6; Hebrews 9:11-14
08-25-19 "Seeking to Be Brave" - I Corinthians 13:16
08-18-19 "When Satan Roars" - I Peter 5:8-11
08-11-19 Message by Tommy Crisp - Mark 10:17-27
08-04-19 "Love Put to the Test" - Matthew 22:34-40
07-28-19 "Saved from My Enemies" - Psalm 18:1-3
07-21-19 "What Difference Does Faith Make?" - Matthew 8:23-27
07-14-19 "Fruit-bearing Branches" - John 15:1-8
07-07-19 "Don't Let Others Burn You Up" - Psalm 37:1-8
06-30-19 "The Humble May Receive God's Mercy" - II Chronicles 12:1-8
06-23-19 Message by Rev. Wayne Wilson
06-16-19 "Be Good Shepherds" - John 10:11-15
06-09-19 "A Souped-Up Church" - Acts 1:8
06-02-19 "Remember Those Fallen" - I Chronicles 5:18-26
05-26-19 "Don't Listen to the Enemy" - I Chronicles 11:4-9
05-19-19 Homecoming Day - Message by Tommy Crisp
05-12-19 "There Is a Generation" - Proverbs 30:11-14
05-05-19 "Stuck to the Sword" - II Samuel 23:8-12
04-28-19 "Who We Are" - I Peter 2:9
04-21-19 "Living Lord" - I Peter 2:4-5
04-14-19 "Rejected Lord" - I Peter 2:4-8
04-07-19 "Precious Lord" - I Peter 2:4-7